Advanced WooCommerce Performance Optimization
The Meaning of WooCommerce Performance Optimization The holiday season is a critical period for e-commerce businesses, often accounting for as much as 20-30% of annual sales. With just a few peak months to cover the entire year’s revenue goals, ensuring optimal site performance is vital. Slow-loading pages during these high-traffic periods can …
October 22 2024
LLM Inference Benchmark Part 1: Xeon + RTX4090 GPU
Understanding the performance characteristics of different models is crucial for developers and researchers. A recent benchmark conducted on July 27, 2024, provides valuable insights into the inference speeds of several popular LLMs. This recent study highlights the performance nuances of different models, shedding light on their strengths and …
July 29 2024
Kafka in IoT: Revolutionizing Data Management for Connected Devices
Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative force, connecting billions of devices and generating vast amounts of data. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for robust, scalable, and efficient data management solutions has never been more critical. Enter Apache Kafka, a distributed event streaming platform that has …
July 03 2024
Top Custom Software Development Company in Thailand
CimpleO LLC Awarded Top Custom Software Development Company in Thailand by B2B Reviews Platform We are a team of the world’s leading product designers, engineers, and enthusiasts passionate about crafting and shipping market-leading software solutions.We offer robust AI-powered solutions and ensure the delivery of feature-packed applications …
February 23 2024
DNS DDoS Attacks: A Proactive Guide for Businesses
In the digital age, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks targeting Domain Name System (DNS) are not just mere nuisances but potentially catastrophic events that can paralyze online operations. As a CEO at CimpleO, a company specializing in high-end software development, including web and mobile apps, the importance of safeguarding your …
January 11 2024
Alpine, BusyBox and Debian Docker Images: A Comprehensive Guide
The Critical Choice of Docker Base Images: Alpine vs BusyBox vs Debian In the ever-evolving landscape of containerization, selecting the right base image for your Docker containers is a decision that can profoundly impact your application’s performance, security, and resource utilization. This comprehensive guide delves deep into three popular …
December 05 2023
CimpleO Recognized as a Clutch Global Leader for 2023
Clutch Global Leader CimpleO today announced its recognition as a 2023 Global Award winner for IoT Development services on Clutch, the leading global marketplace of B2B service providers.Honorees are selected based on their industry expertise and ability to deliver, scores that are calculated based on the client feedback from thousands of reviews …
November 18 2023
Top Mobile App Development Company in Thailand
CimpleO, a leading IT services provider, is committed to building enduring partnerships with its clients. Our expertise lies in developing exceptional mobile applications that not only enhance brand presence but also drive digital transformation. We understand the significance of a robust mobile strategy in reaching a broad audience and optimizing …
October 13 2023
Paving the Way as Singapore Top Top Web Development Company in 2023
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, a strong online presence has become imperative for businesses to succeed. Web development companies play a pivotal role in transforming ideas into visually appealing and highly functional websites. Among the plethora of options available, CimpleO has emerged as Singapore’s #2 top web development company in …
July 02 2023
Unleashing the Power of Modern Language Models (LLMs)
In recent years, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed significant advancements, particularly in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP). One revolutionary development in this domain is the rise of Modern Language Models (LLMs). At CimpleO, we are excited to delve into the power and potential of these state-of-the-art LLMs …
May 23 2023
Your Trusted AI Consulting Company on Clutch Platform
CimpleO LLC: Your Trusted Game-Changing AI Consulting Company on Clutch’s Platform Discover the Power of Artificial Intelligence with CimpleO LLCThe AI industry has revolutionized the market in recent years, offering incredible solutions that can enhance services and streamline processes for companies and businesses. However, understanding and …
May 23 2023
Leading the Way in Web Development in Thailand and Malaysia
In an exciting development for CimpleO, the renowned business ratings and reviews platform, Clutch.co, has recognized our company as the top Web Development Company in Thailand and the second-best in Malaysia. We are proud and delighted to receive this accolade, which highlights our commitment to delivering exceptional web development solutions to …
May 22 2023
App Design Pricing: How Much Should You Budget for Your Next App Project?
Are you planning to develop a new mobile app but have no idea how much it will cost you? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In this article, we will explore the intricacies of app design pricing and help you set a realistic budget for your next app project. Pricing your app design can be a daunting task as it involves various factors such as …
December 22 2022
How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Mobile App?
In today’s digital landscape, understanding the cost to develop a mobile app is essential for businesses looking to expand their digital presence. This article provides a comprehensive insight into the mobile application development cost, guiding businesses through the budgeting process.Understanding the Types of Mobile Apps Simple Apps
Ideal for …
December 22 2022
Optimizing Mobile App Development: Fast Turnaround, High Quality, Reasonable Cost
In the competitive world of mobile app development, balancing speed, quality, and cost is paramount. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to achieving this balance.Step 1: Clear Concept and Planning Tip: Begin with a clear and concise concept. Understand your target audience and the core functionality of your app. Best Practice: Create a …
December 22 2022
CimpleO Recognized as the Leading Web Developer in Russia for 2021: A Benchmark of Excellence
Award-Winning Web Developer in Russia, Recognized by The Manifest CimpleO proudly announces its latest achievement as one of the most reviewed web developers in Russia for 2021, according to The Manifest. This prestigious recognition highlights our commitment to surpassing industry standards and delivering exceptional services that exceed …
November 08 2021
Зачем нужен QA?
Кто такой QA? QA инженер - человек, который фокусирует внимание на отладке работы функционала программ в ручном или автоматическом режиме. Он всегда взаимодействует с командой разработчиков, создателями приложений и программных решений и досконально изучает особенности кодинга, умеет прогнозировать возможные баги, которые появляются на каждом этапе …
September 11 2021
Essential Quality Assurance in Software Development
Who is a QA Engineer? A Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer is a vital member of the software development team, responsible for ensuring the quality, reliability, and user-friendliness of software products. These professionals play a pivotal role in identifying and preventing bugs, errors, and inconsistencies throughout the development lifecycle.Key …
September 11 2021
Разница нативных и веб приложений
Что такое нативное приложение Нативное - это приложение для определенной платформы iOS или Android. Если вы хотите работать с пользователями обеих платформ - вам нужно два отдельных приложения, поскольку каждая из площадок имеет свои стандарты и используют разные языки программирования.Такие приложения устанавливаются через магазин приложений …
August 24 2021
React Native vs Native Mobile Applications Development
Comparing the Pros and Cons of Building Mobile Apps When it comes to developing mobile apps, developers are often faced with the choice between React Native and Native development. Both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, making the decision a crucial one.React Native, a framework created by Facebook, allows developers to build …
August 24 2021
Пример разработки MVP
Снизить риски и уменьшить время разработки поможет - создание минимального жизнеспособного продукта. Вы сохраните свои ресурсы, а также получите объективную оценку и проверку ключевых функций продукта. Помимо этого, вы поймете в целом, стоит ли вкладываться в такую разработку.Сейчас расскажем вам процесс создания MVP, на примере маркетплейса. …
August 22 2021
The Strategic Advantage of MVPs for Your Marketplace
Creating an MVP for Your Marketplace: A Comprehensive Guide In the world of e-commerce, launching a marketplace can be an exciting yet daunting task. One effective strategy to mitigate risks and save resources is by creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This guide will walk you through the process of building an MVP for your marketplace, helping …
August 22 2021
Showcasing Excellence: CimpleO Featured in B2B Top Development Firms Highlights
At CimpleO, we love exploring new things and what the future offers. Witnessing technology’s advancement and how it revolutionizes the digital industry excites us. As such, we’re thrilled to be part of Top Design Firms’ market launch.Top Design Firms (TDF) is B2B ratings and reviews platform Clutch’s newest sister site. Like its older sibling, TDF …
August 18 2021
JRD-100 - UHF-RFID Arduino Модуль
О модуле JRD-100 - это модуль беспроводного считывания меток сверхвысокой частоты (UHF).Данное решение позволяет считывать сразу до 50 радиометок в секунду. Внутренний буфер рассчитан на 200 единиц. Конструкция модуля позволяет применять передатчик мощностью 100 мВт, что обеспечивает производительную, энергоэффективную работу в радиусе более 1.5 …
August 17 2021
JRD-100 - Arduino UHF-RFID Module Development
Efficient inventory management and secure access control are critical for many businesses. The JRD-100, a wireless ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID tag reader, offers a powerful solution for these needs. This guide explores the JRD-100’s capabilities, applications, and integration possibilities.What is the JRD-100? The JRD-100 is a UHF RFID tag …
August 17 2021
Преимущества Time & Material
Способ оплаты услуг и сроки их реализации - первое, что необходимо урегулировать в договоре между заказчиком и подрядчиком. Модели сотрудничества Time & Material и Fixed Price, как раз об этом. Сейчас расскажем плюсы и минусы, а также почему при web-разработке стоит отдать приоритет именно Time & Material.Что такое Fixed Price? Полная и …
August 16 2021
Maximizing Efficiency: Exploring the Advantages of Time & Material Project Models
The payment method for services and timing implementation is the first things that need to be settled in the contract between the customer and the contractor. Time & Material and Fixed Price cooperation models are just about that. Now we will tell you the positive and negative sides and why Time & Material should be given priority in web …
August 16 2021
The Rise of Mobile Project Management Systems
The previous article about ZeroDark described the project development process: tasks, technical solutions and screen design. Work on the project continues and we want to tell you about the Mobile version of ZeroDark.Feature Shipyard managers and workers can collaborate on tasks and track work from their mobile devices. Workers can update task …
July 30 2021
Мобильный менеджмент проектов
В предыдущей статье о ZeroDark мы описали процесс разработки корпоративной системы управления проектами: его задачи, наши технические решения и дизайн экранов. Работа над ним продолжается и сейчас мы хотим рассказать о мобильном приложении ZeroDark.Задача Клиент хотел внедрить приложение на базе Android с необходимым набором функций: вход в …
July 29 2021
Разработка UI
Что такое UI-дизайн UI-дизайн - разработка всех элементов интерфейса, всего того, что видит юзер. Он создается на основе пользовательских предпочтений, и включает в себя: работу над анимацией, кнопками, меню, слайдерами, иллюстрациями и шрифтами. Каждый визуальный элемент и взаимодействие разрабатывается UI-дизайнером.Помимо вышеперечисленного …
July 05 2021
Mastering UI Development - Essential Techniques
What is UI design UI design - visualization of the prototype. It is developed based on user preferences and includes work on such graphic components as animation, buttons, menus, sliders, illustrations and fonts.In addition to the above, the color palette and the location of objects in the interface are determined. During UI development, it …
July 05 2021
Разработка PWA приложений
Что такое PWA Progressive Web Application – технология, которая позволяет клиентам установить ваш сайт на смартфон в виде приложения. Не нужно создавать отдельно сайт, приложение под iOS и под Android, достаточно иметь и поддерживать только сайт.Приложения на базе PWA мы используем чаще, чем кажется на первый взгляд.
Бренды Twitter, Pinterest, …
June 29 2021
Progressive Web Apps - The Future of Mobile Web Applications
The Future of Mobile Web Applications Are you tired of creating separate apps for iOS and Android, and maintaining multiple websites? Introducing Progressive Web Applications (PWA), a cutting-edge technology that lets you install your website as an app on smartphones.But what exactly is a PWA? It’s a web application that feels and behaves like a …
June 29 2021
Знакомство с A9G
IoT устройства в основном используют микроконтроллеры AVP, ESP и STM32. Для подключения GSM или GPRS приходится напаивать отдельные подмодули, что сильно загромождает финальное устройство.Но не все знают, что существует такой модуль как A9G. Он имеет компактный SMD корпус, сочетающий в себе GSM и GPS модули. Остается только подключить антенны и …
June 08 2021
Что такое SaaS
SaaS - software as a service. Модель обслуживания клиента, при которой предоставляется готовое программное обеспечение, полностью обслуживаемое и лежащее на стороне поставщика. Доступ к функциям предоставляется, как правило, через мобильное приложение или веб-браузер.Плюсы для вас, как владельца SaaS: Клиент привязывается к разработчику, он не …
June 08 2021
Introduction to the A9G Development
IoT devices mainly use AVP, ESP and STM32 microcontrollers. To connect GSM or GPRS, you have to connect separated submodules, which greatly clutters up the final device.Not everyone knows that there is such a module as A9G gps tracker. It has a compact SMD housing that combines GSM and GPRS modules. All that remains when working with it is to …
June 08 2021
What is SaaS?
SaaS - Software as a service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. It is sometimes referred to as “on-demand software”, and was formerly referred to as “software plus services” by Microsoft.SaaS applications are also known as on-demand software and web-hosted …
June 08 2021
Разработка MVP
Создание продукта начинается с идеи, которую нужно как-то реализовать. MVP критически важная стадия каждого проекта, чтобы выпустить продукт на рынок.Понятие MVP MVP — прототип, бета версия продукта, который помогает стартапу проверить имеющиеся идеи на работоспособность и быстрее вывести продукт на рынок. Можно создать классный продукт без …
June 06 2021
The Ultimate Guide to MVP Development
In today’s fast-paced startup ecosystem, the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach has become a cornerstone of successful product development. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essentials of MVP creation, its benefits, and how to implement this strategy effectively.Understanding the MVP Concept A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is …
June 06 2021
Внедрение IoT в бизнес
Интернет вещей (IoT) - это экспоненциально растущая сеть, включающая в себя и умные часы, и промышленные станки, которые могут взаимодействовать между собой, с помощью интернета. Благодаря подключению к интернету появляется куча преимуществ, как для повседневной жизни, так и для бизнеса.Положительное влияние IoT Интеграция IoT во все повседневные …
June 04 2021
The Beneficial Impact of IoT on Businesses
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the ever-growing web of devices ranging from smartphones to sensor-equipped manufacturing robots that are interconnected via the internet. Thanks to this interconnection, they can send and receive data, which facilitates a wide range of actions in both everyday life and in business.The Beneficial Impact of IoT on …
June 04 2021
CimpleO Receives Clutch 2021 Award
Located in the center of Omsk, Russia, CimpleO is a multi-award-winning production studio that goes beyond versatility and flexibility. By that, we mean that we can take on any problem or project — web development, IoT development, IT strategy — you name it and we can deliver it to you. Since 2012, our company has been nurturing projects, …
May 04 2021
IoT управление цепями поставок
IoT уже долгое время ассоциируется с понятием “Умный дом”, оно и понятно, ведь самые ходовые товары на этом рынке - это всевозможные умные чайники, лампочки, камеры и все то прочее, что понятно любому человеку и может быть полезно в быту.Но умные устройства также чрезвычайно важны в оптимизации перегруженных процессов, в особенности цепей …
March 01 2021
Важно менять картриджи фильтров
В народе бытует мнение, что картриджи для водяных фильтров стоит менять только при частом их использовании. Это заблуждение может привести не только к неприятному вкусу, запаху и осадкам в уже “отфильтрованной” воде, но и износу самого фильтра, замена которого обойдется куда дороже, чем просто смена картриджа. Регламенты замены картриджей прописаны …
February 28 2021
ZeroDark — менеджмент проектов
ZeroDark - это система проектного менеджмента, веб-приложение для управления персоналом и задачами на судостроительной верфи Ophardt Maritim. Это приложение позволяет менеджерам управлять командами и процессами по производству моторных лодок. Есть 3 основные роли пользователя: менеджер, работник и админ системы.О клиенте Ophardt Maritim — это …
February 26 2021
ZeroDark - Developing a Project Management System
ZeroDark is a web-based project management system designed specifically for the Ophardt Maritim shipyard, which is part of the international OPHARDT group of companies. The primary goal of this application is to help managers control teams and processes involved in motorboat production.Main Features and User Roles The ZeroDark project management …
February 26 2021
Optimizing Logistics: Leveraging IoT for Advanced Supply Chain Management
IoT has long been associated with the concept of “smart home”, it is understandable because the most popular products in this market are all kinds of smart kettles, light bulbs, cameras and everything else that is understandable to any person and can be useful in everyday life.But smart devices are also extremely important in optimizing congested …
January 02 2021
Recognizing Leaders: CimpleO Ranked as a Top IoT App Developer of 2020
CimpleO awarded as one of the Top IoT App Development companies of 2020 by TopDevelopers.coAt CimpleO, we believe in always keeping at the edge of innovation. This is one of the reasons why our team took extra efforts in learning the nuances of IoT app development. We are happy to say that our efforts have bear fruits as our name has been included …
December 27 2020
PISP — программатор в кармане
Рады представить вам нашу разработку под названием “PISP” (Portable in System Programmer).В связи с тем, что мы уже довольно давно работаем с IoT, нам часто приходится перепрошивать устройства, поэтому возникла острая потребность в оптимизации этого процесса.
Чаще всего программируемые устройства находятся в труднодоступных местах, и чтобы …
December 16 2020
PISP - programmer in your pocket
We are glad to present to you our development called “PISP” (Portable in System Programmer)Due to the fact that we have been working with IoT for quite some time, we often have to reflash devices, so there was an urgent need to optimize this process.
Most often, programmable devices are located in hard-to-reach places, and in order to reflash …
December 16 2020
Редизайн CimpleO
Долгое время нас смущало отсутствие на сайте полного описания наших услуг. Мы не только веб-студия, мы разработчики интегрируемых IoT-решений, полноценных веб-сервисов и мобильных приложений.Цели Добавить комфорт. Сайт не имел нормальной сетки, в связи с чем все страницы выглядели недостаточно сбалансированными и, как следствие, некомфортными для …
December 07 2020
CimpleO Website Redesign
For a long time, we were confused by the lack of a complete description of our services on the site. We are more than just a web studio, we also developers of integrated IoT solutions, full-fledged web services, and mobile applications.Objectives Add comfort. The site did not have a normal grid, so the site looked unbalanced and, as a result, …
December 07 2020
CimpleO Triumphs with the Clutch 2020 Award: A Milestone Achievement in Excellence
This is why client reviews are so important. Customer testimonials give credibility to companies like ourselves, making us an appealing contender to take on your project.Many of our partners have attested to our amazing development skills. You can find our exceptional reviews on Clutch, a B2B resource for companies that publishes honest reviews …
July 23 2020
NestJS, Modules and Swagger best practices
Nestjs, not like any other nodejs frameworks, has many handy tools,libraries and features that let us write our programs following clean code
and scalable architecture. In this article we’ll find out how to use swagger
for documentation of our application, and also know the best practices for module creation.
Installation dependencies Install …
July 17 2020
Mastering Module Design in NestJS: Best Practices and Advanced Techniques
When developing modern applications it’s a common case that you need to reuse a class or module in another project, or in another service related to the current project, or add the ability to interact through other interfaces. For example, you have an HTTP API, but you also need WebSocket or gRPC. It’s the default case. I’d like to be able to …
July 13 2020
CimpleO way to Support Small Businesses
We here at CimpleO can’t praise our fellow small businesses enough. Now, here in Russia, they’re facing an uncertain future as many are beginning to open back up after a long fight with coronavirus.We’d like to direct our customers to several resources to support them as they do. We ask you to consider shopping and eating local as much as you can, …
June 14 2020
Пакетный экспорт PDF в Drupal 8
Мы разработали множество модулей, связанных с PDF в Drupal 7, но недавно мы пришли к интересному решению в новомDrupal 8.
Реализация: экспорт одного узла в отдельный отчет, пакетированный экспорт до 600 узлов в один отчет, без длительных временных затрат и даже укладывающийся в лимит Pantheon.io.
Первоначальной задачей было создание отчетов в …
May 24 2020
Arduino pH-meter using PH-4502C
Let’s build a simple pH-meter, all we need are Arduino (Uno/Nano/Whatever), PH-4502C and BNC probe.PH Probe Sensor Pinout TO – Temperature output DO – 3.3V pH limit trigger PO – PH analog output Gnd – Gnd for PH probe Gnd – Gnd for board VCC – 5V DC POT 1 – Analog reading offset (Nearest to BNC connector) POT 2 – PH limit setting Calibration This …
April 23 2020
CimpleO is on the Clutch 1000!
CimpleO LLC Named to the Clutch 1,000 List of Top B2B CompaniesHere at CimpleO LLC we are not just a production company; we are always looking to go above and beyond for our clients by delivering web development, IoT development, and IT strategy consulting services. As a member of the Clutch top 1,000, we are in the top 1% of companies featured on …
December 02 2019
Showcase of Excellence: The Top 20 Web Development Companies in Russia for 2019
:As the digital landscape continues to evolve, web development remains a vital component of technological advancement. In 2019, Russia emerged as a significant player in the field, boasting a plethora of web development companies known for their innovation and quality. This article highlights the top 20 web development firms in Russia for 2019, …
August 15 2019
Доработка Image Effects
Drupal 8.0 был выпущен почти год назад. За это время на новой платформе мы создали 3 сайта.Многие встроенные модули Drupal 8 не до конца проработаны для реального использования. Некоторые из них содержат ошибки и не несут того практического функционала, как аналогичные для Drupal 7. Но это не повод отчаиваться, отказаться от использования этих …
August 15 2016
Drupal 8 Contribution to Image Effects
Drupal 8.0 was released almost a year ago. We have created 3 sites on Drupal 8 during that time.Many Drupal 8 contrib modules are not ready to use on production sites, they contain bugs and don’t have all the features as the same modules for Drupal 7. Do that is not a reason to despair, not to use these modules at all and to write custom code. We …
August 15 2016