Rio Consulting Corp.



Full Stack Development
API Development & integration
Responsive design


Rio Consulting Corp. is a company that serves private clinics in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. They offer billing and medical loan collection services that help you manage your monetary debt more effectively and serve your patients better.

Our task

The client needed to implement:

Corporate business dashboard

It is necessary to differentiate access rights for users with different roles, for example, in addition to the administrator, the site has a “business administrator” to access the entire business dashboard. There is also a role only for viewing and filling out information about medical workers.

Importing API reports

Importing reports using a third-party service API. Reports are automatically attached to existing clients and can be viewed by them. While unattached reports are displayed on a separate page accessible from the business dashboard and provide the necessary information about adding a new user to the system.

Convenient display of statistics

The corresponding item has been added to the dashboard. Also added was the display of the difference with the previous period in the form of a green or red arrow with a percentage, as well as a link with detailed data for the selected period.


In addition to the tasks described above, a billing system was implemented, via email notifications, printing to PDF in one click and personal accounts for clients, where they can get acquainted with the balance and history of services.


The final web service completely satisfied the customer. Our solutions were connected to the system, reporting became much easier and more convenient for both the client and the management.