Gazprom Career Platform



WordPress Development
WP Social Sharing Patch
Yoast SEO



This is a platform for searching and browsing tasks published there. Users can search for a job by location, job’s type and department - this functionality was achieved via Ajax filter. Users can browsing jobs in all the available departments and locations. Moreover, there are blog and FAQ / HELP pages where users can find more information they need.

Career in GM&T

At GM&T, we’re committed to finding the right fit. Individuals with talent, vision and drive are good; those who share our passion for ambition and stay in sync with our goals are better.

We’re all about letting your skills and ideas speak for themselves. With plenty of opportunity for autonomy, we give you the freedom to flourish as an individual. Keen to make a difference, we love to see new starters make an instant impact. Rather than fitting into the gears of a standard work environment, we also dedicate time to developing new skills and expertise, creating a setting that lets you thrive every day of the week.


The client’s request was to implement the existing WordPress layout into the website. The main idea was to make lightweight searching functionality that doesn’t overload pages. Also, it should include additional filter feature. Furthermore, website’s administrators should have an opportunity to edit an every page content. Ultimately, the client want us to make a fully functional platform with a job board and news blog.

Client’s most important requirements were: website optimization for all browsers, page speed optimization in accordance to Google Speed, and easy to read and clean maintainable code


WP Dashboard

During the project discussion it was decided to create a custom theme (Gazprom Theme) based on the standard WordPress architecture. For customizable fields and theme settings page we used ACF PRO plugin. There were created 2 types of posts and 3 categories.
The website structure is as follows:

  • Posts (post_type)
  • Categories (taxonomy)
  • Tags
  • Vacancies
  • Location
  • Tags (key words)
  • Departments
  • Success story

For creating relations in the vacancy there are used 3 meta boxes where administrator can match the vacancy and the category. Additional required fields were implemented on the post_type edit page.

Products page

Public section

We implemented integration into the architecture of WordPress, based on its structure, created templates for all categories and types of posts. We implemented dynamic content output, and created Ajax requests for jQuery. The dynamic navigation bar was implemented both in the header and in the footer using a third-party Walker class.

Job search is a main idea of the platform. We’ve created fully functional dynamic search for our own post type (jobs). It involves ability to find job by its name, location and department. We’ve used Select2 library + jQuery to create UI, and Ajax to make requests to database.

Moreover, we implemented additional filtration by vacancy type, posting time, alphabetical search and “Load more” button.


Based on the client’s design, user should see last 9 records and tags on the blog page. The posts search and filtration were achieved using Ajax.


As a result of our collaboration with client, we created a high quality and well optimized project. Content management can be done without developers involvement. All main actions such as settings, creating and updating posts were removed from WP control panel. The platform was launched after successfully security verification and approval by GM&T security department.